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Road Safety Partnership South Africa is running a 3 year Safe-to-School-Safe-to-Home Scholar Transport program sponsored by Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd. The program is currently on phase 3 and involving around 150 scholar transport drivers from eThekwini region.
The Safe-to-School-Safe-to-Home Scholar Transport program focuses on the following:

 Driver fitness .

 Vehicle fitness.

 Driver and passenger behaviour.

 School, parent and community involvement and Compliance with the national policies and regulations.

The main objective of the project is to ensure the safety of children transported to and from schools by scholar transport. Scholar transport drivers attended a driver simulation training to enhance their skills at Afro Fleet Driver Training Academy on the 10th and 11th of June 2020.

Earlier this month, Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga announced that Grade 7 and Grade 12 learners will be returning to schools on the 08th of June 2020.
The safety of children and educators remains important and all precautions are taken to prevent the potential infections and spread of COVID-19 in schools.

As part of the project , the project team i.e. RSP South Africa, eThekwini Municipality and Toyota South Africa provided a Covid -19 training and safety packs to the scholar transport drivers on the 6th of June 2020. The scholar transport vehicles were also deep cleaned and sanitized.

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