Who is


GRSP SA currently known as Road Safety Partnership South Africa (RSP SA) is a registered as a Section 21 company (NPC) that was established in 2007. The function of RSP SA is to broker partnerships between government, business and civil to reducing death and injury on the roads in South Africa. RSP SA is part of the international road safety organisation called Global Road Safety Partnership that is based in Geneva, Switzerland.


The RSP SA focuses solely on bringing together like-minded organisations that are committed to addressing the road safety challenges affecting South Africa. The organisations combine their resources and knowledge to implement sustainable interventions that reduce the number of deaths on our roads.


Our members include government agencies, road safety experts, engineering companies, NGO’s and corporates.

The RSP-SA is committed to reducing road traffic crashes and pedestrian related fatalities in all of South Africa’s vulnerable communities.

We believe that the challenges of road safety in South Africa must be addressed through holistic interventions. The RSP-SA believes that through education programme’s, engineering and law enforcement, the number of road crashes and pedestrian fatalities can be reduced in some of the hazardous road traffic crash locations throughout South Africa.

1. To broker partnerships between business, civil society and government agencies that are dedicated to the sustainable reduction of death and injury on South Africa’s roads.


2. To support programmes that provide road safety education to learners and communities that are in the proximity of hazardous road hotspots.


3. To bring together road management specialists, engineering agencies and government to improve and reconstruct hazardous road traffic crash hotspots.


4. To support law enforcement by aligning our members’ programmes with these enforcement initiatives.


5. To develop a model of good practice through monitoring and evaluation which can be used by other countries with similar road conditions and safety challenges.

To mobilise resources from government business and civil society to support the development and implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy and action plan.

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